Tampa Bay Lightning Driving Challenge
January 15, 2018 10:02 pm Comments Off on Tampa Bay Lightning Driving ChallengeWe were honored to shoot one of the many events that the Tampa Bay Lightning do the the community this morning. The Tampa Bay Lightning and Mercury Insurance and Honda put on the Mercury Insurance Driving Challenge which helps to impart safe driving Habits to teens. Driving school safety professionals, TPD, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, instrutors lead local high shool teens through a series of driving skills and classroom activities at Amalie Arena to prepare them for driving in inclement weather and keeping their attention on the road. Activities included accident avoidance, car control on a wet and slippery surface, slalom cone course and emergency braking procedures. Florida is 3rd in the nation for teen driver fatalities. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for Teens national, and many lives could have been saved with better training and more focus and attention on the road.
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This post was written by Randy Markham
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